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Md Siraj
Apr 11, 2022
In Fashion Forum
At the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) being held, Jack Ma, who is self-deprecating as ", and Elon Musk, a "future Martian", text message service staged on topics such as artificial intelligence, universe, education, and human destiny. Had a great conversation. The following is the full text of the live dialogue: Topic 1: AI Musk: Let's look at the keyword AI first. I heard that AI means "love". Is that what it means? Jack Ma: I don't particularly like to call AI artificial intelligence. I call it "Alibaba Intelligence". Musk: I feel the same way. Generally, people underestimate the capabilities of artificial intelligence, and they think they may just be smart people. In fact, artificial intelligence is much better than that, probably smarter than the smartest people. Faced with this situation, what should we do? I don't know, I'm not sure, but I hope AI will be a good thing. There's an old saying, if you can't beat them, form a team with them. That's how the company I've text message service developed is for us to join the AI ​​team. Now that we have been connected with mobile phones and computers, we have become people with machine characteristics. The machine is equivalent to an extension of your life in your life. You are missing an arm when you leave the mobile phone. Compared with the speed of human thinking, the current artificial intelligence is too slow. Assuming a computer has several more service points of computing power, every millisecond is a huge improvement for a computer, and it doesn't matter to us. Comprehension of human natural language is very short for a computer, like the sound of a whale, and the information of at most about a hundred text message service bytes per second is too fast, too short, and too slow for a computer. Computers can carry on conversations in a way that exceeds your digital throughput by hundreds of thousands of times. Robots should be very boring when they see people. I think machines will be much smarter than people. This is the difference between people and computers I want to say. Jack Ma: I was particularly surprised by your vision for technology. I'm not a high-tech person, I'm talking about life. I think AI can open a new chapter for the world and society,
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Md Siraj

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