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Abid Hasan
Mar 31, 2022
In Fashion Forum
I won't be the first (nor the last) to say that the email list explosion of marketing technology is overwhelming. With so many new vendors and categories added every year, how do you ensure you have the ultimate marketing tech stack for your agency or in-house ppc team? This is generally supported by the presentation of what its creator scott brinker calls " one of the most loved and hated slides in marketing ." we'll soon know what the 2019 landscape will look like (it's coming out april 3 at the martech event in san jose) and we can be sure that, again, it'll have more logos than any of us can (or would not). Want) to give it a try in our life. If this landscape was at one end of a spectrum (overwhelming), the individual tech stacks would be at the other end (focused). That's why I highly recommend taking a look at last year's stackies entries to get inspiration from email list your own stack, as you'll find plenty of thoughtful, beautiful, and creative visualizations like this one from blackrock:if your goal is to build such a beautiful stackie or help your clients build theirs, you probably have a few questions that I'll try to answer in this article:how much should we spend on technology? How many tools should we use? What tools should we use? Should we build our own technology? Being passionate about technology myself and email list knowing that many of you are too, we must first recognize two things:the technology only applies to the user. So people first. Technology should help you get things done (faster, better, cheaper) or solve a problem. So, do it second. That would make tech a third place because it won't be able to overcome any shortcomings you may have when it comes to people and process. As david rodnitzky says in 10 truisms about agencies and clients “ an agency without a process is just a bunch of people running around doing things… without a cohesive process, the success or failure of an account will depend on the manager. Of account that the agency assigns to him.
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