Creating dates in the cells of an Excel spreadsheet can be a fickle task every now and then. Luckily, there's a handy formula to make formatting your dates easy. There are two ways to use this formula:
Create dates from a series of cell values. To do this, highlight an empty cell, enter "=DATE," and in parentheses, enter the cells whose values create your desired date -- starting with the year, then the month number, then the day. The final format should look like this: =DATE(year, month, day). See how this looks in the screenshot below.
Automatically set today's date. To do this, highlight an empty cell and enter the following string of text: =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())). Pressing enter will return the current date you're working in your Excel spreadsheet.
excel date formula
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In either usage of Excel's date formula, your returned date should be in the form of "mm/dd/yy" — unless your Excel program is formatted differently.
8. Array
An array formula in Excel surrounds a simple formula in brace characters using the format, {=(Start Value 1:End Value 1)*(Start Value 2:End Value 2)}. By pressing ctrl+shift+center, this will calculate and return value from multiple ranges, rather than just individual cells added to or multiplied by one another.
Calculating the sum, product, or quotient of individual cells is easy — just use the =SUM formula and enter the cells, values, or range of cells you want to perform that arithmetic on. But what about multiple ranges? How do you find the combined value of a large group of cells?
Numerical arrays are a useful way to perform more than one formula at the same time in a single cell so you can see one final sum, difference, product, or quotient. If you're looking to find total sales revenue from several sold units, for example, the array formula in Excel is perfect for you. Here's how you'd do it: